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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Auto dim failure - p_ETL_CR_DIM_FILES

Message: Executing the query "exec p_ETL_CR_DIM_FILES ?, 0,0" failed with the following error: "Invalid object name 'FEEDNAME'.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

The Auto dim feed is truncating a character in one of the Stored Procedures. Dimension is less than 20 characters, and stored procedure is setting it to MBR + DIMNAME, but truncating on execution the last character. It counts the MBR as part of the 20 max characters.
Apply the following SQL script patch to the symptomatic BPM Connect database:

This issue is solved in BPM Connect 325 pack.

Table 0 not found

DPC throws Cannot Find Table 0 when clicking on the Status Link.

Event Log
DataRequester - Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Desc: SQL Server blocked access to STATEMENT 'OpenRowset/OpenDatasource' of component 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' because this component is turned off as part of the security configuration for this server. A system administrator can enable the use of 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' by using sp_configure. For more information about enabling 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', see "Surface Area Configuration" in SQL Server Books Online. Cmd: p_UI_ISBATCHRUN

Run following SQL script against BPM Connect database:

sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1; 
sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1; 

This issue affects all versions of BPM Connect.

BPMC IFramework 325 Pack

BPM Connect 325 Pack is now available.

When applying 325 pack, make sure all the latest .NET Windows updates are applied to server to ensure proper functionality.

Changes include, but are not limited to:
See manifest for version table:

325 Pack can be obtained from Breakaway Technologies.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Use of Special Characters in Feed Names

When using special characters in feed names, issues can occur.   The following example has a feed name with a "." in the name, and the feed fails with the following error.

"Job Failed on Kickouts member index build" 

In this example, by simply removing the "." from the feed name, this clears this issue.   Using a period, or any special character, in a feed name other than an underscore, is never recommended in BPM Connect.  

Friday, September 23, 2016

Membersheet Generator Interop Issues and Solutions

When running a dimension feed the member sheet generator fails with the following error:

"Problem with member sheet generator.  Please reference SQLISPackage100 Errors on the SQL Server application event log for more detail."

When inspecting the windows event viewer on the server, the following error is displayed:

There are several things that can cause this issue. The most common cause is the following:

However, if the fix from the prior link is applied, tested, and positive results are still not being yielded, this could be due to the multi-language settings on the server and in Excel.

The first step in trouble shooting any issue with the member sheet generator, is to first check the file MbrSheetGen_Log.txt which is located on the BPM Connect server in \\Program Files\Breakaway Technologies\BPM Connect\BPMC_IFramework_324\DTS\

If the log message reads "old format or invalid type library", this is an indicator there is a language conflict issue.

To solve this issue, in windows control panel on the BPM Connect server, set the region and language settings to "English"

This issue pertains to 324 pack of BPM Connect.

For reference detail on this topic, refer to following MS KB

Currency Conversion - p_ETL_CUR, Invalid object name

When first setting up currency conversion on a feed in BPM Connect, the following error can occur:

P_ETL_CUR ?" Failed with the following error: "Invalid object name...."   

The following picture illustrates this error from the windows event log:

This error can be caused by "null" values being populated in the CONFIG_PKG table's CurrencyOper field when the CurrencyCalc field is enabled to "Y".

See the following illustration of this combination:

To rectify, go to Process -> Data Pipeline -> Advanced Settings.

Set the Currency Conversion Operator to an * or / depending on the type of currency rate being used. 

This error is has been identified in the 324 pack of BPM Connect. 

Thursday, April 28, 2016

DPC Status Meter Frozen

When running feeds in Data Process Control, sometimes in the Status pane the status meter can appear to be frozen.   This creates the illusion the feed is not running, when in reality it is.  

The following image illustrates this.

This is due to a setting in Internet Explorer.   To solve, go to IE Menu Bar -> Tools -> Advanced. Check the setting "Play animations in Webpages" setting. The following image illustrates this.

Checking this setting will allow the status meter to activate and run as expected. This can affect most modern versions of BPM Connect.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

RFC Trace error log

When trouble shooting issues with the BPMC RFC connection, in addition to the standard event log messaging, please refer to RFC trace error log file.  

The RFC trace log is a text file that is generated at run time when the RFC calls are made from BPM Connect into SAP.  

Checking this file can can aid in the troubleshooting and issue resolution of RFC exceptions if they occur.  This file can be opened in notepad.  

File location:       C:\WINDOWS\system32
File Name:          dev_nco_rfc.log

The following is example of the output.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Auto Dimension Issue

Auto-dimension feeds do not update the EPM client with the new dimension info even though feed processes successfully.   All the BPMC (ETL_DimName_FILT & mbr_Preload_DimName) and BPC backend tables (mbr_DimName & dim_DimNameH1, H2, etc.) update correctly to reflect the data in the feeds, but the EPM client does not display this information. User has to manually initiate an EPM Client-side Dimension Refresh to see this information.

This is due to an issue in the Auto Dim functionality, where the EPM version is not updated in the BPC backend table that holds version information. Specified version numbers need to be incremented to notify the EPM Client to do an auto refresh, thereby avoiding the need to do a manual refresh.
This issue affects Pack 323 & 324.

Copy and paste the SQL code below to the External Process of the Auto Dim Feed.

    SQL Code to be Added:
                    @ADMIN_DIM_CACHE decimal(20,3)
                    , @VERSION decimal(20,3)
                    , @XLVERSION decimal(20,3)

    set @ADMIN_DIM_CACHE = (select cast(value as decimal(20,3)) + 0.001
    from [!dst_apset].[dbo].[tblDefaults]
    where Userid = '_Global' and KeyID = '!dst_app' and type = 'ADMIN_DIM_CACHE')

    set @VERSION = (select cast(value as decimal(20,3)) + 0.002
    from [!dst_apset].[dbo].[tblDefaults]
    where Userid = '_Global' and KeyID = '!dst_app' and type = 'VERSION')

    set @XLVERSION = (select cast(value as decimal(20,3)) + 0.002
    from [!dst_apset].[dbo].[tblDefaults]
    where Userid = '_Global' and KeyID = '!dst_app' and type = 'XLVERSION')

    --print @ADMIN_DIM_CACHE
    --print @VERSION
    --print @XLVERSION

    update [!dst_apset].[dbo].[tblDefaults]
    set Value = @ADMIN_DIM_CACHE
    where Userid = '_Global' and KeyID = '!dst_app' and type = 'ADMIN_DIM_CACHE'

    update [!dst_apset].[dbo].[tblDefaults]
    set Value = @VERSION
    where Userid = '_Global' and KeyID = '!dst_app' and type = 'VERSION'

    update [!dst_apset].[dbo].[tblDefaults]
    set Value = @XLVERSION
    where Userid = '_Global' and KeyID = '!dst_app' and type = 'XLVERSION'

    Saturday, February 6, 2016

    BPMC IFramework 324 Pack

    BPM Connect 324 Pack is now available.

    The pack includes, but is not limited to, the following solutions:
    When applying 324 pack, make sure all the latest .NET Windows updates are applied to server to ensure proper functionality of Data Process Control 3.3.x.

    Note: the following patch should be proactively applied post upgrade:
    ETL_RQRS Exception Patch

    See manifest for version table:

    324 Pack can be obtained from Breakaway Technologies.

    Thursday, December 10, 2015

    Container feeds fail to run successfully

    BPMC feeds in a Container Feed fail to run successfully for the following combinations:
    • Process = IN
    • Command Type = BPMC
    The following errors are generated in the DPC Log and Event Viewer:
    DPC Log
    Failure external process execution. Please reference SQLISPackage100 errors on the SQL server application event log more detail

    Event Viewer Log
    Event Name: OnError

    Message: Executing the query "exec p_ETL_CMD_INPROCESS ?, 'POSTDEPLOY',1" failed with the following error: "BPMC command error :cd.. && "C:\Program Files\Breakaway Technologies\BPM Connect\\TM1Engine\x86\BPMC_ETL_Engine_TM1_x86.exe" "CS:Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=NAHAS62695\MSS10493;Database=BPMC_PEOPLE;Trusted_Connection=yes;" "TestFeed" "25"". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

    This is due to an issue in Container Feeds when it attempts to execute a BPMC Feed (Process = IN). The wrong Engine is called. The TM1 Engine is called as opposed to the SSIS Engine.This issue affects pack 323.

    Run the following SQL script on the BPM Connect staging database.

    This issue is solved on the 324 pack of BPM Connect.

    Monday, November 9, 2015

    Load Panel Warning Message: Please Confirm ASVersion

    This warning emerges on the Data Process Control Load Panel usually after an upgrade to BPM Connect, or, a change in the underlying SQL Server platform.

    This is an example of the exact message:

    This warning is an indicator the Data Process control is not matching the underlying SQL Server version from which it is dependent, thus risking behavior problems.

    The remedy to this problem is to adjust the ASVersion setting in BPM Connect to match the correct version of SQL Server.  

    To access this setting, go to BPM Connect Config Builder -> Settings -> Global Configurations -> ASVersion. 

    NOTE:  There has been a documented problem in DBObjects 3.3.x where sometimes, despite the ASVersion matching the correct SQL Sever version, and despite the fact BPM Connect operates as expected,  this warning still persists.    To solve the over sensitive warning, please apply this SQL patch  p_UI_ISBATCHRUN 1.5.sql.

    This over sensitive warning has been solved in DBObjects 3.3.4.

    Thursday, October 22, 2015

    Scheduled feeds run successfully but do not process

    When feeds are run on-demand via the load panel, feeds run with success and data shows in BPC. 

    When feeds are run scheduled via schedule panel, feeds run with success, but changes are not reflected in BPC.   Upon further inspection in Analysis Services, cube is not showed as not being processed. Running a BPC optimize solves fixes the issue and number show correctly in BPC.

    This is due to an issue with daisy chain processing intelligence capability found here:

    This issue can affect packs 320 or higher.

    Run the following SQL script on the BPM Connect staging database.

    This issue is systemically fixed in DBObjects 3.3.4 which is supplied in the 324 pack.

    Tuesday, October 13, 2015

    Problem Linking Up to Instance

    ·         You cannot edit, delete, or do anything with  the instance in config builder.
    ·         When you click on the instance name, you get the following message:

    TreeConnect: There was a problem linking up to instance. Cannot find table 0.

     Locate the InstanceConfig file and delete the instances you can’t modify in UI.
    File Location:
    C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Breakaway Technologies\BPM Connect\Config Builder

    Monday, October 5, 2015

    BPMC IFramework 323 Pack - SQL 2014

    BPM Connect 323 Pack is now available.

    This pack release provides full support for the SQL Server 2014 platform.  Prior releases of BPM Connect are not fully 2014 compatible.  This includes SQL Server 2014 R2.

    This pack is also fully reverse compatible with SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2.

    When applying 323 pack, make sure all the latest .NET Windows updates are applied to server to ensure proper functionality of Data Process Control 3.3.x.

    See manifest for version table:

    323 Pack can be obtained from Breakaway Technologies.

    Saturday, September 19, 2015

    ETL_RQRS Exception

    Issue Summary:
    When running feeds, DPC issues a failure tells us to check the RQRS table:

    “There is a problem with the remote staging commands. Check table ETL_RQRS for command details. Please reference SQLISPackage100 errors on the SQL server application event log more detail”

    Upon inspecting the event viewer, the following error detail is displayed:

    Event Name: OnError
    Message: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [42000] [Microsoft][ODBC Text Driver] Invalid SQL statement; expected 'DELETE', 'INSERT', 'PROCEDURE', 'SELECT', or 'UPDATE'.

    ~ or ~

    Event Name: OnError
    Message: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [08004] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Database 'bpmc_stage' does not exist. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.

    Issue Resolution:
    This  problem usually occurs on the container feeds in the 320 pack or higher.  It is caused by a bad reference in stored procedure p_ETL_RQRS.

    To solve this issue, run the following  script on the affected SQL Server instance BPM Connect to patch the p_ETL_RQRS routine:

    This issue will be solved in the 325 pack of BPM Connect.

    Wednesday, September 9, 2015

    Support for SQL Server 2014 R2

    BPM Connect fully supports SQL Server 2014 R2.

    Full support is available in 323 Pack of BPM Connect.

    Cannot Find Table 0

    Cannot find table 0 occurs when accessing the Load Data page on Data Process Control.  This issue occurs when upgrading SQL Server version, in particular SQL Server 2012 or 2014.  

    The following image is an example of the error:

    This issue can be solved by adjusting the ASVersion setting in BPM Connect to match the correct version of SQL Server. 

    To access this setting, go to BPM Connect Config Builder -> Settings -> Global Configurations -> ASVersion. 

    Data Requester - Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Desc

    This issue occurs after upgrading to newer instances of SQL Server, 2012 or 2014 in particular.

    The exact message in the event logo displays the following:

    This issue is caused by the ASVersion setting in BPM Connect mismatching the version of SQL Server. 

    To solve, go to BPM Connect Config Builder -> Settings -> Global Configurations -> AS Version. 

    Set the ASVersion to the appropriate SQL Server version.

    Friday, July 17, 2015

    BPMC IFramework 322 Pack

    BPM Connect 322 Pack is now available.

    This pack contains several fixes and enhancements to Config Builder, including but not limited to the following:

    1. Modified to allow non-admins to change instance config when bad linkups occur during first time install
    2. User instance "hoping" issue fixed
    3. Trusted vs non-trusted security fixed on user lookup, was creating an incorrect feed list at logon
    4. Firing feeds with destination system = "Outlooksoft" now fixed
    If you are currently running the 321 pack, there is no need to install the whole BPM Connect framework.    All changes in 322 pack are central to ConfigBuilder, so you can simply overlay the Config Builder 3.2.2 of top of the 321 pack and achieve the same results.  It is up to you.

    The Config Builder 3.2.2 can be obtained as a loose file:

    When applying 322 pack, make sure all the latest .NET Windows updates are applied to server to ensure proper functionality of Data Process Control 3.3.1.

    See manifest for version table:

    322 Pack can be obtained from Breakaway Technologies:

    Sunday, February 8, 2015

    BPMC IFramework 321 Pack

    BPM Connect 321 Pack is now available.

    This pack contains several fixes and enhancements, including but not limited to the following:
    1. Job fails on kickouts
    2. 320 Pack ETL Engine Patch for SQL Server 2008
    3. Error when Applying RTOC in Data Map
    4. Error When Deleting Processes via Config Builder
    5. Data Process Control Breakage Alert
    In addition, the kick-out capability has been optimized for substantially higher performance for SSIS Engine SQL Sever 2012.  SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2008 R2 will continue to use the classic kick-out capability with no change. 

    Note: when applying 321 pack, make sure all the latest .NET Windows updates are applied to server to ensure proper functionality of Data Process Control 3.3.1. 

    See manifest for version table:

    321 Pack can be obtained from Breakaway Technologies:

    Wednesday, January 28, 2015

    DPC Error - Cannot load script for execution - RFC Feed

    Feed has green lights in Surface Area. However feed fails when attempting to source data.

    Event Name: OnError
     Message: Cannot load script for execution.
     Operator: DOMAINNAME\username
     Source Name: _SRC Schema Builder

    This means that the RFC is failing in SSIS

    Depency files need to be placed in the following locations. These files exist in the RFC_Kit folder.
    msvcm80.dll -> windows\system32
    msvcr80.dll -> windows\system32

    SQL Server 2008
    sapnco.dll -> Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn
    sapnco_utils.dll -> Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn

    SQL Server 2012
    sapnco.dll -> Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DTS\Binn
    sapnco_utils.dll -> Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DTS\Binn

    Friday, November 7, 2014

    Job fails on kickouts

    Job failed on kickouts. Please reference SQLISPackage100 errors on the SQL server application event log more detail.

    Upon further inspection of the SQLISPackage100 in the Windows event log, the following error is discovered:

    Event Name: OnError
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        SQLISPackage110
    Date:          11/7/2014 11:54:48 AM
    Event ID:      12550
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          AM\BPCADMINMAME
    Computer:      servername
    Event Name: OnError
    Message: Incorrect syntax near ')'

    Reason for Issue:
    This is due to SQL casting problem in the routine p_ETL_KICK when nulls or blanks are discovered in the signeddata column.   This affects DBObjects version 3.2.8 or higher.

    There is a patch available to solve this issue.  Download and execute the script p_ETL_KICK_v3.1.sql on the troubled instance of BPM Connect to clear up this  problem.  This patch will be included in the 321 pack of BPM Connect.

    Wednesday, September 24, 2014

    320 Pack ETL Engine Patch for SQL Server 2008

    After upgrading to BPM Connect 320 Pack for SQL Server 2008, feeds start failing.  The following symptoms are exhibited.

    Data Process Control displays a Surface Area error when trying run processes.

    Upon exploring the Windows Event viewer, the following errors are displayed:

    Please apply the following hot-fix to solved this problem.

    Download the file BPMC_BPC_ETL_Engine_v2008_v3.4.1.dtsx and replace the existing BPMC_BPC_ETL_Engine_v2008.dtsx in the BPM Connect DTS working directory. This will remedy the issue.

    This issue is only central to 320 Pack of BPM Connect and will not affect other pack levels.

    Error when Applying RTOC in Data Map

    Using the RTOC capability in the Data Map, the following error appears:

    "Failed! Incorrect syntax near keyword 'into'.

    Here is an example of the complete error:

    This error usually occurs when upgrading to DBObjects 3.2.0 or higher.

    This can be solved by applying the following hot fix.  Download the file p_ETL_MAP_v7.7.sql, and execute via SSMS on BPM Connect database exhibiting the issue.  This fix will be included as a part of DBobjects 3.3.1.

    Error When Deleting Processes via Config Builder

    The following error is presented to the developer when trying to delete a process from the Config Builder.   "There was a problem. Process is not Deleted".    In most cases, upon refreshing the Config Builder, the process seems to delete fine despite the warning, thus creating a false negative.

    The following is an example of the message:

    This error is usually caused when custom views are created in the BPM Connect database.   BPM Connect by default comes with a single view CONFIG_RQ.  If additional views are added, the BPM Connect process delete is sensitive to this.

    The following patch solves this problem.  Download the p_ETL_DEL_FEED_v2.1.sql file, and execute it in SSMS against the BPM Connect database where the offending message is occurring.

    This affects all 300 pack series versions of BPM Connect.

    This fix will be included in the 321 pack of BPM Connect.