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Saturday, August 25, 2012

BPMC RFC Enablement for BPC MS

One of the biggest challenges that presents itself in the BPC  MS ecosystem is tight, effective, high performance  integration with SAP native systems such as ECC or BW.  The standard recommended solution to solve this problem is migrate BPC to Netweaver.   However, for many companies who have sizable investment in the BPC for Microsoft stack, a complete technology platform replacement may be too cost prohibitive and time consuming to invest or consider.  This leaves customers stuck dealing with an efficient system, or, worse yet, looking for another software solution as an alternative.   

The following depiction shows the standard BPC for MS integration scenario used at most companies. This  standard integration method is to complex, and can lead to inefficiency in data latency, security, and business process


In order to solve this problem and provide a more effective integration solution to our customers, BPMC now supports two (2)  primary consumption methods: ODBC and RFC .  ODBC  is designed for non-SAP systems, and RFC is design for native direct integration to SAP systems. 

Why is BPMC RFC support significant?    The BPMC RFC solution solves the problems of the classic integration approach.  It allows current Microsoft BPC customers to capitalize on their existing investment and solve the data latency, data lag and integration efficiencies they are currently experiencing, with a cost effective and easy to implement solution.  This solution applies to not only fact data, but master data and drill-through data. By leveraging BPMC RFC enablement, the standard integration scenario can be transformed to the following.

The BPMC solution by its sheer simplicity and elegance provides a more process efficient, cost effective, high performance, secure integration scenario, resulting for real time access to SAP data in BPC for MS.  Because BPM Connect is a mature, pre-built, reusable technology, its cost to implement is substantial less than the other custom integration options.

The following chart illustrates the cost and time to implement as compared to other solutions.

In summary, BPM Connect provides customers, an "Integration in a Box".

For more information:

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