There are two SQL scripts to facilitate this new capability:
- BPMC_Audit_Enable.SQL - When this script is executed the audit is immediately enabled. A new table is created call LOG_AUDIT. This table houses all the audit and changes made with in Config Builder.
- BPMC_Audit_Disable.SQL - When this script is executed, the audit is immediately disabled. The LOG_AUDIT table is preserved and any prior change auditing stored in this table will be left intact.
Auditing can be toggled on and off at will be simply executing on of these two scripts.
If this capability is deployed, the LOG_AUDIT table should be periodically monitored and purged, as it will accumulate mass amounts of audit detail thus potentially getting very large over an extended periods of time. This functionality if not recommended for development environments or during the development process, but is more intended for monitoring and auditing of production systems.
There currently is not reporting interface for the LOG_AUDIT table, can can only be accessed via SQL. In future releases, there will be a reporting interface made available.
This functionality requires Objects 1.4.8 or greater (109 pack). This script will be packaged as a part of the 109 pack and is located in the script library.
ReplyDeleteThis is good and will help on last update.
Few Questions.
Is the audit all or noothing function for all the feed or is this feed by feed option?
Is there a switch available on BPMC or DPC for feed level audit?
Dose this log only updates , it also tracks add and deletes?
May be its all coming in next steps.
This is compasses the whole instance. No feed by feed level switch at this time.
ReplyDeleteThis tracking inserts, deletes, and updates.