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Monday, September 28, 2009

BPMC Reserved Words

Reserved Words are words reserved by BPMC for specific SQL uses. They are similar to Transact SQL Reserved Words. You can only use these words for its intended purpose. Use these Reserve Words whenever possible, because it makes the Config Builder more dynamic and maintainable by minimizing hard coded table names in the SQL. 

The following lists the Reserved Words in BPMC: 
priorpass, passx (where x = 1,2,3,...), me, firstpass, mapsource, dstlookup 

Definitions and Examples of the Reserved Words

Usage BPMC replaces priorpass with the table name of the previous Map table. 

Example Feed Name = Test If the current Map table is ETL_Test_Map_3, then priorpass will be replaced with ETL_Test_Map_2. SQL (using example above) select * from priorpass translates to: select * from ETL_Test_Map_2 passx (where x = 1,2,3,...) 

Usage BPMC replaces passx (where x = 1,2,3,...) with the Map table identified by the pass number. 

Usage BPMC replaces me with the current Map table name. 

Example Feed Name = Test If the pass3 is used, then pass1 will be replaced with ETL_Test_Map_3. SQL (using example above) select * from pass3 translates to: select * from ETL_Test_Map_3 me 

Usage BPMC replaces firstpass with Map table name of the first Map table. 

Example Feed Name = Test If the current Map table is ETL_Test_Map_2, then me will be replaced with ETL_Test_Map_2. SQL (using example above) select * from me translates to: select * from ETL_Test_Map_2 firstpass 

Example Feed Name = Test firstpass will be replaced with ETL_Test_Map_1. SQL (using example above)select * from firstpass translates to: select * from ETL_Test_Map_1 mapsource 

Usage BPMC replaces mapsource with the table name of the source table. 

Example Feed Name = Test mapsource will be replaced with ETL_Test_SRC SQL (using example above) select * from mapsource translates to: select * from ETL_Test_SRC dstlookup 

Usage BPMC replaces dstlookup with the table name of the destination table. 

Example Feed Name = Test, Destination Table = Dest_Table dstlookup will be replaced with Dest_table SQL (using example above) select * from dstlookup translates to: select * from Dest_Table

1 comment:

  1. Proirpass seems to be busted in recent versions. Add this to the bug list.
